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Some of these watercolors are realistic; some are whimsical. All were painted in the spirit of the love of the beauty in nature. They are painted with Winsor Newton watercolor paints on archival 100% rag paper.

Stormy Sunset

Sunflower II
Watercolor, 34" x 24" $1000

Passion Flower I
Watercolor, unframed, 14.5"X10.5" $400

Passion Flower II
Watercolor, unframed, 19" x 23.75" $1000 (SOLD)

Ruth's Babies I
Watercolor, 29" x 22.5" $1000

Bud's Promise
Watercolor, unframed, 14.5"X15" $400

Epiphillum, San Diego
Watercolor, 34" x 24" $1000

Daisies in Portland
Watercolor, 14" x 19", (SOLD)

Century Plant at La Jolla Cove
Watercolor, 38" x 29.5", (SOLD)
Random Works in Watercolor
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